Xem hoạt hình miễn phí CFCP Video: Kids Don’t Talk Like This

(4.86 MB) được thêm vào 02 May 2017 73 số lần chơi Hài hước Kinh doanh Funny Commercial Funny People
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CFCP Video: Kids Don’t Talk Like This

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Center For Child Protection and advertising agency AdPeople Worldwide from Austin have released this great video spot recently.

This is a PSA, which we thought was very strong therefore we wanted to share it with you. It features a kid, who talks like a mature, self reflecting person. It would be so helpful, if that was true. However, kids do not talk that way. They usually keep their pain hidden for various reasons – maybe they do not want to upset their parents or on the contrary – the latter are not supporting. In any case the company invites to learn and recognize when children are suffering.
