Xem hoạt hình miễn phí Internet Explorer

(13.6 MB) được thêm vào 02 May 2017 85 số lần chơi Trẻ em Game Animation 2D Vector Animation 3D Animation Animation Art
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Internet Explorer

Mô tả ảnh động:

You know that one kid in primary school who dreamt of becoming the best inventor the world has ever seen? Well, Theodore was that kid. So when the news broke that the Internet Cloud had escaped – lost to the skies – he knew that this was his moment to do something big. Returning the Internet Cloud would be his mission.
20 years later, his journey is about to come to an end.
An NCCA second-year group short
DIRECTOR: Zeno Pelgrims
PREET KATTA: Compositing, Post-Production, Hard-Surface Modelling
RAMON BLANQUER: Effects, Facial Rig
ZENO PELGRIMS: Character Modelling, Texturing, Rigging, Grooming, Shading, Lighting, Rendering
Thank you so much for watching our short! Hope you enjoyed watching it just as much as we enjoyed making it!
